Around the Throne

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Lord Jesus, speak to us this evening. May your Spirit reveal to us our future in such a way that we can live in the present as your people. We ask this for your name sake. Amen.

I have here a copy of yesterday's Times newspaper. And I don't know about you, but I find it pretty depressing when I read the news. As all we seem to get is bad news. As I flick through this paper I find stories of death, human rights abuses, corrupt scientific research, corrupt lawyers, an entire country on the brink of bankruptcy, the on-going stream of Brits joining the jihadist cause in Syria, children being beaten in a so-called Christian sect , not to mention the aftermath of the Charleston shootings which I'm sure have shocked and saddened many of us this week. And that's me only half-way through the paper!

Whether you get your news old school style from the papers, or if you're getting it from the radio, TV or internet - It looks as if our world is out of control doesn't it? War is everywhere. Suffering is rife. And from where I'm standing, on the whole, it looks as if evil gets the upper hand.

Well feeling the pain of this sorry world, the actress Lauren Bacall said: "I don't see how anyone can be happy today, except a new born baby." Once you start reading the papers you realise what a nightmare it all is. Think about the state of the world for more than five minutes and it's all enough to make you wonder if God really is a good God. It makes you wonder if he really cares about his world at all. Or if he does care - if he's powerful enough to actually deal with the mess.

You see in our best moments we care deeply about the state of the world but I don't need to tell you that we're not powerful enough to do much about it! Is that how it is with God? He cares, but he just hasn't got what it takes to sort it out! Well the first readers of this book of Revelation that we're looking at tonight probably asked the same sort of questions. They were people being murdered by evil regimes just because they followed Jesus Christ. And as they looked at their lot in life, they were struggling to believe in God's care for them and his power to overcome the evil all around them. And maybe that describes where you find yourself tonight?

Well, whether it does or not I think it would be a huge help for us all to grab a Bible and turn back to Revelation chapter 4. As we are going to go on a journey into heaven to see what God is really like and what he's up to, and as we do, the first thing that we need to notice is that:

1. God Has Got Everything Under Control (v.1-6)

I flew to America on my recent Sabbatical and as we started our descent into New York myself and my fellow passengers gawped out of the windows of the plane like excited little school children - As it was a crystal clear March day and we could make out a lot of the city below. But frustratingly we then spent the next hour circling around and around it in the air. And many of us on board could see that there were lots of other planes doing just the same. What was going on? Why all these planes? Why couldn't we all land? Would we ever get to land? Or was the only way were getting back on terra-firma was by running out of fuel and plummeting into the Hudson river!

Well if I'd been in the control tower at JFK on that day, I would have seen exactly what was going on. It was only later that we found out that because of high winds they were only operating 2 of their 4 runways at the airport, so they were having to keep all these planes in the air as they waited to land. The fact that there were no air disasters reported the next day and not even a near miss showed that they were in complete control. Well this evening, we're going into the cosmic control tower. Into heaven itself. One of Jesus first followers, John invites us to come with him as he looks and sees, as Revelation chapter 4, verse 1 puts it: "... a door standing open in heaven!"

And as we follow John in through that door we will find that God is in complete control of His Universe. Now it may not look like it from where we're standing, but after a trip into heaven we need have no doubts. For some that will sound like I'm ducking the issues and avoiding the real world. But on the contrary following John through a door into heaven will take us into the real world. Not a world we can see, but a world no less real for that.

As well as yesterday's paper, I've also brought a dog whistle with me tonight. I won't blow it or we'll have all the stray dogs of Jesmond rushing into church. But if I were to blow it - you can't hear it! But Fido and Butch and Scruffy and Lassie would all be able to here the high pitched sound and as they heard it screeching in their ears they'd come rushing to us. Which is why dogs respond to this - Not out of obedience, but just so that you'll stop blowing the blasted thing!

Now we can't hear it, but the sound is real. And left to ourselves we wouldn't be able to see the realities of Revelation 4. But it's still real! Heaven stands for the spiritual world. A real world. The real world if you like. But one that needs revealing to us. As it is easily forgotten if you're living day after day in a world that ignores spiritual realities. So come through the door. Peep into heaven. See to the very heart of the spiritual realm and as we do that, we will see that there is one thing that dominates heaven: A throne with God sitting on it - Verse 2: "At once I was in the Spirit, and behold, a throne stood in heaven, with one seated on the throne."

It sounds rather a bland way of describing him, doesn't it? Only far from being an anti-climax, everything that's said tells us of the importance of this someone.

  • He's got - Verse 3: "...the appearance of jasper and carnelian..." Precious stones showing us the grandeur of the God. It's not the throne that is the amazing golden, jewel encrusted treasure... it is God himself! God is the greatest treasure in the whole of the universe! Nothing is more valuable than God.
  • And what makes him so precious? Well for a start there is his mercy. It encircles the throne in the promise of the rainbow. Reminding us that God does not delight in judgement, but longs to show mercy to his creatures just as he did to Noah and his family all those years ago, back in Genesis 9. On this throne is a ruler whose hallmark is mercy.
  • Then in verse 4 - we have the 24 thrones, lesser thrones that tell us just how important the throne is! The 24 elders are almost certainly the 12 Old Testament Patriarchs and the 12 New Testament Apostles - the founding fathers of faith, representing all God's people. As we see on the throne, the Lord of the church - all the way down through history.
  • And then in verses 5 and 6: "From the throne come flashes of lightning, and rumblings and peals of thunder…" And it's not that heaven has been blighted by some of our miserable British weather. Lightning and thunder declare the power, judgement and triumph of God. God maybe merciful, but you wouldn't mess with this God. It's like playing with fire. He is almighty!

Central in heaven is the throne. Everything revolves around it - practically every verse mentions it! And it is not empty. God is sitting on it. God is King.

That is why the creatures in heaven never stop saying in verse 8: "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!" He is almighty. He will take on all comers. No one will defeat him. And that's forever! Age will not take its toll. The Lord God Almighty is permanently almighty. He "...was and is and is to come" and you don't get any more permanent than that!

John's readers lived under the powerful Roman Empire. They seemed to have the whole world sown up for so long but where do you meet them now? Well go to The Great North Museum or Segadunum – They're in the museum now! They looked so powerful, but the Caesars have long gone. They've bitten the dust.

Time will take its toll on all of us! People come and go. Regimes will pass. Philosophies and ideologies too. Their rule will end. Which is encouraging for those of us who fear the rise of Isalm, the influence of the gay lobby, or the aggressiveness of the new atheism, or even the greed of big business or the bankers who represent the extremes of what happen in society when we make money god. Well even influence of political correctness or secular materialism will wane one day. But not so the Lord God Almighty! He rules forever. Always has. Always will. He's Almighty. He's permanent.

And verse 8 he is - Holy: "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty…" The Lord God is a good God. He administers justice. He hates evil. He is everything that we know he should be, and everything in our best moments we want him to be. God cares deeply about the simmering wickedness in this world. That's partly what it means for him to be holy.

He's holy, he's almighty, he's permanent. And that is all brought together by John's description in verse 6 do you see it? "...and before the throne there was as it were a sea of glass, like crystal."

Have you ever stood at the edge of a lake and it has been completely calm? I'm sure lots of you have been to the lake district, like my wife and I did with Lucy when she was just a toddler. It was beautiful. But it wasn't dead calm - as ducks and rowing boats and boisterous tourists kept splashing around and causing ripples and waves on the surface of the water. The people of John's time saw the sea as a place of turbulence and trouble - An utterly uncontrollable thing. I mean come on! How can you control the sea? We can't even keep our bath water under control can we?! Yet the sea around God's throne is like a pane of glass. Verse 6 - All is calm around the throne - not a ripple, not a disturbance. You see as we look at the turmoil and commotion in the world - God is not phased by all the problems. He's not panicking at all.

Of course that will anger some people. Some of you will say, well that just proves what I've always believed - God simply doesn't care! How can it all be calm in heaven when we see so much tragedy on earth? Well please do not confuse calmness with apathy.

I remember at my home church when I was a youngster a member of the congregation collapsed in a heap at the end of a service. She was clutching her chest, looking as white as a sheet, and telling me that she thought she was having a heart attack. And I thought she was having a heart attack, as I completely panicked I almost had a heart attack!

I desperately ran around trying to find a Doctor in the House. If this was here - no worries on that count! It's not so much "is there a doctor in the house?" - as what flavour of doctor would you like! I wouldn't wish a heart attack on anyone, but other than a hospital this is probably the next best place to have one!

But on this occasion, once I managed to find a doctor - He was completely composed, methodical and he wasn't rushed in anything he did. He came and sat the lady down, took her pulse, calmed her down, calmed me down. He wasn't calm because he didn't care - he was calm, because he was in control. And you see all is calm around the throne in heaven, because God is in control. Calmness must not be confused with apathy. The Lord God is powerful and he cares and as we will see next week in chapter 5 - he has a plan. A plan for dealing with all the wickedness and evil that cause us so much pain and heartache in this world.

God Has Got Everything Under Control. That's the first thing to notice from this vision of heaven. Here's the second...

2. God Alone Is Worthy Of Our Worship (v.7-11)

That's what the living creatures round the throne really get! Take a look at them in verse 6: "...round the throne, on each side of the throne, are four living creatures, full of eyes in front and behind: " These creatures represent the whole animal creation! As there is:

  • One like a Lion - the greatest of wild animals.
  • One like an Ox - the greatest of domesticated animals.
  • One with the face of a man - the greatest, the pinnacle of all the God's animated creation.
  • One like an Eagle - The greatest of flying animals.

The whole of creation is there. As this is all of creation as it should be! Revolving around the throne of God with eyes in back of their heads even - so that they can always keep their great God in sight! And as they gaze upon their God they are singing in verse 8, and thanking and worshipping in verse 9. And pay attention as this is where you and I come in! Verse 9:

And whenever the living creatures give glory and honour and thanks to him who is seated on the throne, who lives for ever and ever, the twenty-four elders fall down before him who is seated on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever.They cast their crowns before the throne saying, "Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honour and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.

Do you see what is going on here? All the creatures in heaven know that there is only one response to this holy, permanent and almighty God - and it is to worship. Everyone and everything in all creation is made to worship God! This is a fact about human nature: God has created us for worship. We are hard-wired that way. We can't help but give our time and our energy and our talent and our money and our zeal to something or someone we find worthy of our worship. My question to you is this then: What are you worshipping? As we can and do worship all kinds of things!

In Romans 1 the apostle Paul cuts humans into two categories – those who worship the creator and those who worship creation. Creator is God. Creation is people, and stuff and anything else that God has made or we have made. The Bible commands us to worship him alone because he alone is worthy. He's the one who, verse 11: "...created all things..." and then... invites us to enjoy it – So enjoy your food, enjoy your job, enjoy the money and provisions that job affords you. Enjoy your garden, enjoy your holidays, enjoy the gym, or your sports, or your dancing. Enjoy your relationships, have fun with your mates, hug your dad, kiss your wife, wrestle with your kids. But worship God! Don't let those good things become God things and steal the worship that should be God's alone.

He alone is worthy, so don't waste all that he has made for you on adoring yourself, your false gods, your addictions, or even your sins. You were made by God for a purpose. And that purpose is to worship Him. God alone is worthy.. So whatever advantage you have in life should be surrendered before the throne of Almighty God.

That's what the 24 elders do in verse 10, don't they? Did you spot that? When all of creation sings of the glory of God, the 24 elders - representing all God's people - they "...fall down before him who is seated on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They cast their crowns before the throne, saying "Worthy are you, our Lord and God ..."

Do you know what it's like for someone to fall at your feet? Probably not I suspect! I keep trying to get the Parish Assistants to bow and grovel when they come into my office, but it doesn't seem to catch on! But when you fall flat on your face before someone you are not only saying "I admire you" or "I respect you". You are saying "You are the master, I am nothing, do with me whatever you will. You are absolutely in control."

You see worship is not just about singing and worship is not just about intellectual agreement. It's a whole life response. Sure you need to love God with your mouth and your mind - But you've got to love him with your heart and soul and strength too!

I've been married to my lovely wife for 16 years and when I come home at night and shout "High honey, I'm home. Did you miss me?" I'm looking for more than a nod of the head and mental agreement - "Check, yes. I concur, yes." I'm looking for smiles and hugs and kisses! I'm looking for a response and I know that when the shoe is on the other foot she's looking for that too! For worship to truly occur it has to go from what you believe to what you sing to what you do with your hands, your time, your money, your whole life. Give yourself - all that you have and all that you are, to Him who is worthy. Bow the knee and say: "You are the master I am nothing, do with me whatever you will. You are absolutely in control."

Now we tend to find worshipping God in this way too hard. Sometimes we remain unconvinced. Why? Well speaking personally I find it's because I'm so intensely self focused that when it comes to worshipping God I often ask: What's in it for me? What do I get out of this? Well God gets his glory as he should. But because God is so gracious and kind we worship him and he gets his glory and we get... joy. We were made to worship God so there is great joy when we worship him as we should. And there's so much sorrow when we don't. That's one of the reasons why there is so much pain and hurt and sadness in this world - because we reject the King, refuse to bow the knee fully, and hang onto our crowns and live for ourselves and then we're surprised and upset when things don't go our way.

But for those who worship God... there is joy!

Many of you had those moments like John when you were in the Spirit worshipping God and you were flooded with joy because finally you were doing that thing for which you were made. Whether it was in singing, or praying, serving others - using your skills at work or home or church for others good and God's glory - you gave yourself completely to be used by God and for a few brief moments you even forgot about yourself, and were surprised and overwhelmed by the joy that you found. There was a satisfaction there that was unlike anything else that you've ever experienced. And you rightly hunger for more. And God wants to give you more as you surrender your life to him in worship.

God is in complete control. He is on his throne. King forever. We should worship him. So tell me - Which throne is at the centre of your life? Tomorrow morning when life and all it's routines kick back in again and take their grip at home or work or school - will you still have eyes to see the throne room of heaven? Will you still have the boldness to live out and speak up for it's reality? Or will the immediate overwhelm the "forever and ever" reality?

Father God, as we head into another working we pray that you would help us to remember that there is this throne, with someone sitting on it. That we would remember that everything and everyone's life should revolve around it. And not be distracted from worshipping you with all of our lives and grow weary of doing good. We pray in Jesus name. Amen.

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